Fabric of the Month
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222 Items
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AMELIE - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2955 AMELIEViewBaloo - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2568 BalooViewBamboo Greyscale
SS1030 Bamboo GreyscaleViewBanana Leaves - Colourme
TS1383CM Banana LeavesViewBanana Leaves Black
TS1561 Banana Leaves BlackViewBanana Leaves Jade on Velvet
TS1563/VViewBanana Leaves Uv Pink
TS1562 Banana Leaves Uv PinkViewBanana Leaves
TS1383 Banana LeavesViewBananas - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS1531CM BananasViewBeverley - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2564CM BeverleyViewBeverley - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2564 BeverleyViewBloom Pink & Silver Pyro Foil Print, Flex
SS336 with SILVER PYROViewBloom Pink - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS336CM Bloom PinkViewBloom Pink Solid - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS564CM Bloom Pink SolidViewBloom Pink
SS336 Bloom PinkViewBloom Sky & Silver Pyro Foil Print On Flex
SS335 with SILVER PYROViewBloom Sky - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS335CM Bloom SkyViewBloom Sky Solid - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS563CM Bloom Sky SolidViewBloomberry
SS2197ViewBlossom - Colourme
TS1804CM BlossomViewBlossom Rosa
TS1804 Blossom RosaViewBoogie - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2566CM BoogieViewBoogie - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2566 BoogieViewBora Bora - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2525CM Bora BoraViewBora Bora - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2525 Bora BoraViewBotanical - Colourme
TS1668CM BotanicalViewBotanical Honeycomb
TS1669 Botanical HoneycombViewBouquet - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2202/CM BouquetViewButtercup - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2558CM ButtercupViewButtercup - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS2558 ButtercupViewCarmine - Printed Stretch Fabric
SS3254 CarmineViewChecker Daisy - Colourme - Custom Colours
SS2026/CM Checker DaisyViewCan‘t find what you’re looking for?
As our range is so vast, we don’t have everything on the website BUT we may still be able to supply. Contact us!