Alicante: Stretch Net Mesh Fabric
Alicante is revolutionary and features an unprecedented structure: it is a high performance, bi-elastic mesh with a huge potential for being used in the fashion industry. Ideal for the creation of inserts and trendy details, it is light and comfortable and follows the body movements, always ensuring the best fit.
Light as a feather it has a beautiful drape, which allows it to flow flawlessly, perfect for lyrical movement!
Spice Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante SpiceViewPrincess Pink Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Princess PinkViewElectric Pink Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Electric PinkViewMango Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante MangoViewJade Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante JadeViewJewel Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante JewelViewSilver Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante SilverViewFlame Red Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Flame RedViewIreland Green Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Ireland GreenViewBlonde Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante BlondeViewSpearmint Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante SpearmintViewUV Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante UVViewWhite Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante WhiteViewBlack Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante BlackViewCharcoal Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CharcoalViewChocolate Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante ChocolateViewAmerican Tan Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante American TanViewFlesh Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante FleshViewSable Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante SableViewCoffee Cream Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CoffeeViewVenere Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante VenereViewNeon Red Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Neon RedViewHot Orange Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Hot OrangeViewSunglow Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante SunglowViewFlo Pink Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Flo PinkViewCerise Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CeriseViewCotton Candy Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CottonViewCarnation Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CarnationViewBarbie Pink Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante BarbieViewAubergine Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante AubergineViewPurple Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante PurpleViewLilac Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante LilacViewFlo Apple Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Flo AppleViewTurnadot Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante TurnadotViewNavy Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante NavyViewCaprera Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante CapreraViewTurquoise Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante TurquoiseViewPale Blue Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante Pale BlueViewAqua Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante AquaViewMoontide Alicante Stretch Net
Alicante MoontideViewCan‘t find what you’re looking for?
As our range is so vast, we don’t have everything on the website BUT we may still be able to supply. Contact us!